Body Procedures
Aesthetic surgery after massive weight loss
Body contouring
Arm Lift
Thigh Lift
Butt Lift
Mommy makeover
Abdominoplasty, also called tummy tuck surgery, surgically removes the excess skin and fat that lies between the umbilicus and the overhanging skin (or to a cesarean scar) from the abdominal area. Depending on the needs of the patient, the muscles of the abdominal wall are tightened. The incision is in lower abdominal crease shape and length depend on the mass of skin and fat to be removed.
Approximately two to four hours.
under general anesthesia.
Depending on the case ,usually between 1-3 days
Possible Side Effects
Temporary discomfort, low back pain, post-operative swelling, soreness or tenderness in the surrounding areas, numbness of abdominal skin and bruising are possible side effects.
Infection, bleeding under the skin flap or at the incision site, pulmonary embolism (a blood clot that travels to the lung), scarring (keloids), delayed healing, or the need for a second reversionary operation are potential risks, enlargement of the scar.
The patient may return to work within 2-4 weeks. Upon re-evaluation by the physician, the patient may return to activity that is more strenuous after approximately four to six weeks. Scars should fade and flatten anywhere from three months to one year after surgery. Patients are asked to wear a body girdle for at least four weeks.
The result will last many years, unless the patient gains weight or becomes pregnant.
Improves facial and body contours by removing unwanted fat deposits. It is not the procedure mistakenly known to many that will lose weight from it.
Liposuction surgery removes areas of unwanted fat with a tube and a vacuum device. Liposuction techniques, including tumescent or super-wet, typically are performed after targeted fat cells are infused with a saline solution containing a local anesthetic and adrenalin to decrease blood loss. Benefits of this liposuction technique include increased safety, easier fat removal, as well as diminished postoperative discomfort. This also reduces post-operative bruising and swelling.
The most common locations for liposuction are the chin, upper arms, the area above the breasts, abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, calves, and ankles.
There are several techniques commonly used including the “Traditional Technique”, “Laser Technique,” and the “Ultrasonic Technique (UA).” Dr Zibdeh prefers the ultarasonic technique as the ultrasonic energy to dissolve that fat before it is removed and help with skin tightening over the area treated.
One to two hours or more according to the areas treated.
General anesthesia can be used or intravenous sedation and local anesthesia are used.
Depends on the area treated and amount of fat aspirated.
Possible Side Effects
Temporary bruising, swelling, numbness, soreness or burning sensations.
Infection, asymmetry, rippling of the skin, pigmentation changes (hypo/hyper), injury to the skin, fluid retention and/or excessive loss of blood and fluids.
The patient usually returns to work after five to fourteen days. More strenuous activity may be resumed after two to four weeks. Full recovery from swelling and bruising may take one to six months depending upon the amount of fat that is removed and the areas that were treated.
The effect is permanent and must be augmented with a sensible diet and consistent exercise.
Neck lift
A full or complete facelift improves the skin and tissues of the lower two-thirds of the face, from the ears, across to the cheeks, and down to the jaw line, by removing excess fat, tightening muscles and re-draping skin.
Approximately 2-4 hours.
Usually general anesthesia is used but can be done under sedation and local anesthesia.
Preferably in- patient
Possible Side Effects
Temporary bruising, swelling, numbness and tenderness of the skin, as well as a tight feeling and dry skin.
Injury to the nerves that control facial muscles or feeling (which is usually temporary but in rare cases may be permanent), infection, bleeding, poor healing, excessive scarring, asymmetry and a change in the hairline.
The patient may return to work after ten to fourteen days. More strenuous activity may be resumed after 2-4 weeks . Bruising should begin to disappear after seven to ten days. Sun exposure must be limited for several months after surgery. The use of a sun block that provides both UVA and UVB (ultraviolet) protection is recommended.
Most facelifts can be expected to maintain optimum appearance for five to ten years.
Arm Lift
The goal of the arm lift (brachioplasty) is to reduce skin redundancy and to reduce the circumference of the arm. many techniques are present . When there is good skin tone or minimal skin sagging, fat deposits can be reduced by liposuction. In case of marked skin redundancy or laxity can only be improved by surgery.
The incision has to be placed in an axillary crease and in the internal aspect of the arm along a line extending from the axilla to the elbow.
Length of procedure
Two to four hours.
The anesthesia can be general or local with sedation depending on the case and extent and type of surgical plan
Both options are possible.
Possible Side Effects
In some cases edema or lymphoedema of the arms can result.
Highly visible or keloid scars and cutaneous nerve injuries.
The healing process may take seven to ten days. An elastic bandage or compression garment may be recommended for several months.
Good and stable results can be achieved in young patients with good skin tone as well as in adults of older age, sometimes with the help of several months of postoperative elastic compression.
Thigh Lift
A thigh lift refers to a variety of operations that remove skin and fat from the upper leg (thigh) area in order to improve contours by removing bulk and loose soft tissues.
Two to four hours depending on the amount of tissue to be removed.
The anesthesia can be general .
Both options are possible.
Possible Side Effects
The most common side effect is wound breakdown at the intersection of suture lines in the groin because of excessive stretch of the tight closure caused by patient movement. Widened scars can also occur because of tension in these areas.
Similar to risks associated with any surgery, including infection, hematoma and fluid collection. Pulmonary embolism is a remote possibility.
Requires three to four weeks of restricted movement including no spreading of the legs or excessive flexion.
This type of surgery is generally well tolerated and appreciated by patients.patient who physiologically accepting the presence of scars and ready to replace redundant scars with scare are those who get the best results .
Butt Lift
Patients who are unhappy with the appearance of their buttocks, due to size or shape or because of the presence of redundant skin, can enhance their appearance with butt lift surgery.
This procedure is often ideal for those who have lost weight and feel their buttocks lack shape or who simply wish to improve the appearance of their backsides.
A butt lift is a surgical procedure that can be customized to meet each individual patient’s unique needs and desired results.
Patients with excess skin may opt for a traditional excisional butt lift, while those who want to augment their backsides may prefer the popular Brazilian butt lift (BBL) using own body fat or in some cases using silicon implant .
Traditional Butt Lift Procedures
During this procedure, Dr Zibdeh will make an incision into your buttock to remove layers of fat tissue, and skin. Dr Zibdeh will also tighten your underlying muscles to hold your buttocks in a lifted position.
Although traditional butt lifts do leave scars, Dr Zibdeh will do his best to limit the length of the incision and place it in a less visible area. During the consultation he will discuss your incision options and which type of the traditional butt lifting procedure best suite your case he may also offer adding to the procedure a silicon implant or the famous Brazilian butt lift .
The Brazilian Butt Lift
This type of butt lift is very popular because it requires only small incisions and can give patients the desired look he wants .
During a Brazilian butt lift (BBL), Dr Zibdeh will sculpts your body using liposuction by removing resistant, unwanted fats from other areas such as your thighs or abdomen and back , after purifing them from blood and fluid, Dr zibdeh will injects them into your buttocks. Adding this fat volume can create a younger, lifted look for your buttocks.This procedure does not address excess, skin.
As in those Patients who have lost a significant amount of weight may need to have a traditional butt lift or lower body lift, after which they may choose to undergo a fat transfer or use silicon implant .
Usually done under general anesthesia
duration of the procedure:
procedure can usually be completed in approximately 2-3 hours
After surgery buttocks will most likely be swollen and bruised from surgery. At home, you will need to rest (in an appropriate position), wear your compression garment at all times, and stay hydrated, giving your body the time and care it needs to heal.
Generally, the recovery period for a traditional butt lift is longer than that of a Brazilian butt lift.
Mommy makeover
It is the process of tightening the skin to get rid of sagging in the body.
Making a surgical incision in the skin and tightening it in a specific way to obtain taut and consistent skin, and more than one surgical incision may be made in different places if the aim of the operation is to tighten the skin in more than one area of the body, the doctor removes the excess parts of the skin and then sutures the wound with soluble medical sutures in the skin so as not to leave a clear trace after a period of the operation.
From two to four hours, depending on the patient’s condition.
The patient is given general anesthesia.
It requires the patient to stay for several days to check on his condition.
Possible Side Effects
Temporary discomfort, lower back pain, postoperative swelling, pain in the area around the operation, lower abdomen numbness and some bruising.
Some risks may occur, such as infection, bleeding under the skin or at the site of the operation, delayed wound healing, scarring, the need for a corrective operation, or the occurrence of a lung clot. These complications can be reduced by the surgeon’s considerations before, during and after the operation.
The patient can return to work within two to four weeks. As for the more vigorous activities, it is possible, according to what the surgeon sees, to return to practice after four to six weeks. As for the scars, it is possible to improve between three months to a year. The patient is usually required to wear a body corset for at least four weeks.
It continues for many years, provided that the patient does not gain weight or pregnancy occurs.